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Study: Telephone Town Halls Result In Major Trust Bump

Telephone Town Halls are the quickest way for elected officials to build relationships of trust with their constituents.

According to the Congressional Management Foundation, a recent study found that after a one hour Telephone Town Hall with their member of Congress, trust for that member “to do the right thing” among the participants jumped 14%, from 38% to 52%.

A total of 80% of participants described the member as “accessible,” compared to 54% of a control group excluded from the phone meeting. That’s a 26% boost among constituents that participated in the Telephone Town Hall.

Having an engaging social media presence across platforms is helpful for elected officials to reach constituents, but no medium has been proven as quick and effective at building trust than Telephone Town Halls. This is especially helpful for members of Congress, as a recent Gallup poll found only 6% of Americans had a “great deal” of trust in Congress, while 44% had “very little,” trust.

At Stones’ Phones, our Telephone Town Hall services can connect elected officials to thousands of constituents, and we help every step of the way by assisting with strategy, messaging, and technical support.

The Congressional Management Foundation report found that the best practice for telephone town halls is to stay focused on one topic, rather than touching on many.

This tactic is exactly what we specialize in at Stones’ Phones. We provide our clients with call screeners, which allows the event host to only take questions and comments relevant to the meeting’s topic.

Our post-event data report allows clients to know who participated, for how long, poll question results, and all screened questions.

Being able to conveniently reach out to constituents from the comfort of their own homes to discuss a specific issue or to communicate a controlled message is why so many elected – from local officials to U.S. Senators – have worked with Stones’ Phones.

While the Congressional Management Foundation report focused on elected members of Congress, Stones’ Phones also provides Telephone Town Hall services to candidates for office, nonprofits, and organizations to reach their supporters. Many organizations have successfully incorporated Telephone Town Halls to build trust among their members, receive feedback from members, and even raise money.

To learn more about our Telephone Town Hall techniques, please contact us and we’ll help you figure out the plan that’s best for you.

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