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Stones’ Phones & M+R Easily Agree On Telephone Town Halls

Telephone Town Halls continue to be a sure way to engage with a large amount of people at one time. They work particularly well for nonprofits because they make the participants on the call feel valued.

We’ve always said this, and M+R Strategic Services agrees. In a recent post, M+R explains three ways nonprofits can ‘win big’ by hosting Telephone Town Halls. Read an excerpt from their piece below.

“[Telephone Town Halls] aren’t just for politicians looking to snuggle up to voters in their living rooms — they can be a powerful tool for nonprofits looking for supporters. These calls require a bit of prep, but they can bring together thousands of advocates and rally them for your cause for less time and whole lot less money than a traditional gathering. Earlier this year, we helped a coalition of groups host a national [Telephone Town Hall] with 15,000 callers who wanted to hear and talk about equal pay for equal work, paid sick days, paid family and medical leave, and access to affordable childcare. Good stuff that you don’t hear nearly enough about.”

Click here to read the full article.

Telephone Town Halls give nonprofits a forum to easily reach all of their members at the same time or target certain members regarding a specific issue. This can be helpful if your nonprofit is working on an initiative and would like to reach out to certain members on your supporter list. An example of this would be all people in a specific age range or of a certain gender.

Either way, Telephone Town Halls allow you to host a controlled, interactive conversation with your members that leave them knowing their opinions matter. These conversations often result in supporters deepening their support for your cause.

Telephone Town Halls are also a quick way to fundraise for a nonprofit. Among all of our events, Telephone Town Halls with members of nonprofit organizations have some of the best participation rates and raise the most funds.

Here’s more on how Telephone Town Halls are great for nonprofit fundraising.

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