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Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Live Auto-Call
You can’t send automated calls to cell phones – or can you? This November, Stones’ Phones pioneered a new technique to reach students at...

How to Get Calls Out Quickly
In the fast-paced world of political campaigns and advocacy, you can't always plan your call programs. You may find yourself in a...

Capture Conflicted Voters With Live, In-Depth Conversations
Ever since Donald Trump’s surprise victory, campaigns nationwide are looking for new and innovative ways to capture conflicted,...

Marijuana On The Ballot
It is a raging debate: Would there be an increase in voter turnout solely because marijuana is on the ballot? Stones’ Phones sought to...

Putting Up Yard Signs: Steps To Success
Some believe the key to a successful grassroots movement is through stakes in the ground—yard signs. Yard signs are an excellent way to...

Identifying Influentials
Traditional Live ID calls are a cornerstone of any campaign. They help measure the support for a candidate, organization, or issue. At...

Phones Will Make The Difference This Election
Election Day is rapidly approaching. Turnout is going to decide who wins and who loses. This year, Democrats face one of the most...

How To Run A Robust Early Vote Phone Program: Electing The First Latina Senator
In 2016, Stones’ Phones oversaw a Pollie Award-winning phone campaign to turn out record numbers of early voters in the Nevada Senate...

Activating Rural Grassroots Networks With Influential Live Calls
Finding Influential Rural Messengers One of the biggest challenges facing any campaign is finding the activist-supporters who are trusted...

How Stones’ Phones Maintains High Completed Call Rates
As more Americans drop landlines for mobile phones and screen calls for contacts they already know, it may be difficult to understand how...

Make Every Conversation Count With Live ID Calls
Live ID Calls are one of the best methods to ensure people are hearing about your candidate and why they should support them. Live ID...
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Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
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