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Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Live Auto-Call
You can’t send automated calls to cell phones – or can you? This November, Stones’ Phones pioneered a new technique to reach students at...

Flipping the Virginia House of Delegates with Live Calls
In 2023, Virginia Democrats were aiming to flip the House of Delegates from red to blue and defend their majority in the State Senate....

Story Capture & The American Heart Association
The American Heart Association became concerned with Wisconsin's current healthcare coverage when they learned that it only covers the...

Patch Calls to Pass The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Back in 2020 we were shocked to hear that pregnant workers didn’t have the proper and fair legal protections or accommodations across the...

Advancing Denver and The Mayoral Runoff Election
The 2023 Denver mayoral runoff election was going to be a hotly contested race. Five candidates received at least 10,000 votes in the...

State Senator Mamie Locke Cell Phone Telephone Town Hall
Virginia State Senator Mamie Locke wanted to run a Telephone Town Hall to give her constituents crucial policy updates from the recent...

An Inside Look At Telephone Town Halls
Wondering what goes on behind the scenes of a Telephone Town Hall? Wondering if Telephone Town Halls are a good fit for your organization...

Campaign And Elections American Style Features Marty Stone
Campaigns and Elections American Style released its fourth edition of the campaign classic book, featuring chapters written by top...

How Political Phone Vendors Try To Cheat You
There are lots of phone vendors out there that take political clients, but only some can be trusted to do a quality job for a fair price....

How To Win A Mayoral Campaign With Phones
Jorge Elorza – Mayor of Providence, RI Making phones a strategic part of your campaign efforts can lead to success on Election Day. If...

Stones’ Phones Featured On The Agitator
Fundraising pioneer Roger Craver featured Stones’ Phones on his blog, The Agitator. The subject was Telephone Town Halls, and he was...

PETA Wins Prestigious DMAW Maxi Award For Telephone Town Hall
Stones’ Phones and PETA won the Direct Marketing Association of WashingtonMAXI Award for their innovative Telephone Town Hall...

Award Winning Year For PETA’s Telephone Town Halls
PETA and Stones’ Phones won the prestigious Campaigns & Elections Reed Award and Direct Marketing Association MAXI Award for their...

GOTV Telephone Town Hall Helps Propel Maryland Delegate To Victory
Knowing that most undecided voters make up their minds in the last week of the election, Maryland Delegate Jeff Waldstreicher decided to...

Voters Love Talking About Marijuana
From legislative policy to ballot initiatives, Stones’ Phones has worked with several drug policy and criminal justice reform partners...

Stones’ Phones & M+R Easily Agree On Telephone Town Halls
Telephone Town Halls continue to be a sure way to engage with a large amount of people at one time. They work particularly well for...

Party-Building Telephone Town Halls With Michigan Democratic Party
In September 2014, we hosted a statewide Telephone Town Hall for the Michigan Democratic Party to encourage women voters to vote-by-mail...

Case Study: Phones Propel Justice Reform Initiative To Victory
Reform advocates are turning their focus from Capitol Hill to the ballot box to transform our justice system. State Questions 780 and 781...
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